Sunday, July 11, 2004

when nature decided

This is not a great picture to expose my journey at Sabah last 2 weeks. Somehow, it can direct us to my full story under this topic. Hopefully, it can break some ices.

"sitting behind the steering wheel for the 1st 40 minutes was really great. Handling my sister's kembara along the road to Kinabalu park was quite fun but when i realized that the tyres are 'botak', i slowed down some KMJ. The weather was soo nice, COLD! Entertained by the music from perodua's stereo set, and some giggling from the left seat, i didn't noticed how time had taken me in the kembara for two hours.

RM3 per head to enter the Kinabalu Park. Without anyone to guide me, or any appropriate signboard, i 'make fool' and drove slowly following the car trail. we noticed that we was climbing in a 4WD to the top of a mount. that was real sudden when we met with a 'pintu gerbang' welcoming us to go higher of Mt. Kinabalu. Hahahaha, we had reached 1866m above sea level. and 4199m is the peak, so we only needed 2333m to make. Lucky or unlucky, we only wore some lousy attire that we thought can make us freezing up there. or if we are luckier, might been found as ice aged couple some more years ahead. i admit that at that moment, we already freezing since we didn't plan at all to go there. Actually, our plan was to go to Poring Hot Water to take a bath in hot tub but i don't have any idea how we could be on among the highest mountain in the world. what a great achievement with a pair of 'selipar pallas'.

later i will tel about the landslide which caught us for a night stay in the kembara. uhuhuhuhu...freezing....

1 comment:

Wan Mohd Fahimi said...

apa ni bro. 4WD, 4WD jugakk... mana gambor sabah ni wehhh... dha update nanti, tag gua...