Sunday, June 27, 2004

ii stim ko mah

salam sejahtera..almost a week since the last i blogged this diary or journal or whatever. it was not because of timeless, but only committment that i only need right now.
for me, personally, it is really hard to maintain on the track, play it cool, constant speed, changing lane sometimes, ooorhh THAT"S HOW I DESCRIBE CONSISTENCY...
In life, we really need that. Consistent comes from focus. With focus we can do almost anything, just like a magnifier burns a pierce of paper with a right focus. Imagine if the focus just enough to ignite a rocket or big explosion, KABOOM! So, that's why i tried as hard as i can to keep in focus, consistent in spirit and doing, in failures or success.. In fact, from religion's view, it is most advised to be practised in dailylife in whatever we do, (except the sins, of course!) That's ISTIQOMAH!

p/s: playing with time just like playing american football - sometimes u need to go stern to look, but to score you must lead the ball and wait till it arrives in your arm and in a moment, TOUCHED !


abi said...

whuuuaaahh! spekeng aa.. hehehe... ok la tu!

Wan Mohd Fahimi said...

american football? left side, strong side!!!
Remember The Titan, that's what i'm talkin about bro...

abi said...

"pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory last forever". the replacement. :)
shotgun 90 degree dig. blue 82, blue 85, green 88, hut hut hut...

Hero said...

u are the man! both of you... lets have the ball when the game is on the line... go hero, go hero, go herooo..