Friday, June 18, 2004

ikut suka aku la

a'kum. hey you, wake up! love to see your face since we are belong to the same group-lazy creature!

back to the title, i always used this phrase when i try to wake up from sadness and pity mode. coz, most of the time i put people sake in front ( ikut suka org la ) and later i noticed that many people are selfish. (not only small fish,jaws n whales too) So i decided to make up my mind n get rid of those greedy and world-blind buddies yg suka dengki n tikam belakang n pentingkan diri (kesian diorang).

ikut - follow ur heart n beliefs
suka - happy, joy, like, love, laugh, be sempoi(my wife's side word)
aku- mylife, a humble servant, son, leader, husband, HERO to people i love and loving me
la - Looking ahead.

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