Thursday, September 02, 2004

nothing free

gambar time takde air kat desa surada... 1998

Wehaaa…pancit siot…tayar moto aku pancit..ehh silap, bukan moto aku…tak kiralah moto sapa, yang penting, moto tu ngada-ngada pancit n buat aku tolak dia jauh dalam keadaan lapo n letih plus ngantuk... takpela, dugaan puasa sekali dengan dugaan mencari kerja.

Back to original topic, sometimes, it’s really hard to understand the script of GOD, the way HE write our play on this stage called life. A lot of WHYs cannot get the answers. But the more we past our age, the more we get to understand. Just like the picture above, why we had to rush every time the water tanker pass by. Kalu tak, susah la nak amik wudu’ n plus the ‘kecik n besar’ stuff. Cerewet ooo, sakit ati pun ada especially when someone who didn’t help you carry the water, easily ‘perabih’ the water. After years passed, I learned something from the thing happened. It was a lesson for us actually. The lesson to increase our patience, brotherhood, positive spirit n so on. Build our muscle too. Sebab tu dulu tak boroi..kuang3x. when I looked back, I see the ruler that can measure our level of maturity. Marriage of course make me more matured but the way I looked thing especially the past, can help me getting more dewasa. But, don't misunderstand, we still need to look for the future since we are getting ahead n aged, so we must prepare for ourselves for the future.

Talking about prepare, jom prepare for bulan poser…:)