Wednesday, September 01, 2004

for u, wmfwh aka martin lawrence

long time no see dudeh! lama gile aku tak blogging kat sini, sibuk blogging kat lain. takde access, mana mau masuk internet. a lot of excuse aku bleh bagi tapi the truth is aku banyak committment lain lately. sepupu aku kawin, adik aku convo kat uia, mak ayah aku datang dari trg... kemas umah mak sedara aku kat putrajaya yang baru pindah and lots more yang aku pun malas nak ingat dah...

somehow, aku dah janji ngan si mamat acid ni nak bagi suprise kat dia. tapi aku rasa surprise aku nak dah less kicking sbb ada yang dah tolong iklankan kat sini.

Aku duk kemas-kemas umah, jumpala gambar ni. and then, another..and another... I wonder that how i can keep this funny pic of ours? and at first, why we 'rela' to be captured like that? after a while, i got the answer.. the picture is nothing more than a proof that we sometimes ago had a very top living. enjoy, laughing, no worry (except the quizess, tests n exams) and so colourful enviroment. even got no money couldnot make us worry. a lot of spontaneous quotation came out from our stinky mouth.

1. makan budak!!!
2. asa royat jah..
3. born to ride..
4. panc*t awai.. (the star can be i or u)
5. duk jjiwoo..
6. dan banyak lagi..

these pics can relive our memories, bring us back to the place where we stand once. too valuable... i still remember that what i can 'one night stand'. aku mung n borg. dalam bilik belakang. pouring our hearts out, talking about what we felt at the moment. our study, our future, family, responsibilities and so on. so, that night, our pillow got some newcomer-instead of 'yucky' saliva, they our tears too.

so, lastly, let me relate the past to our present. nothing happen in the past to be considered meaningless or nothing. God made our past happen in HIS own way. what happened in the past, slightly shows our today. we enjoyed at the past and right now, let think and put more effort in our present responsibilities. the joy is still there and always waiting for us. our past taught us to be happy and alive in every problems that stucking us to the ground. BUT the effort always neccesary. hope u all agree with me.

time is up! see u nextime!

p/s : all the best for the comin fahimi jr.


Wan Mohd Fahimi said...


Hero said...

tu jeritan baby boy ke babyboyoi?

abi said...

isk isk isk... sayunya rasa. hisk.. sob sob sob..

abi said...

teringat plak... bnyk lagi istilah2 yg kuar dr mulut kita ni (busuk mung sorang jer). cthnya... "cepat sket, nok beranok doh ni", "masok doh", "aaaaaaaalessss" n mcm2 lagi. isk isk isk... kdg2 senyum sorg2 bila teringat time 2. hehehe

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